
Welcome to a dynamic-string-library for C that I wrote a long time ago.
Use it in good health, as I have.

Documentation is in astr.3 in manpage format.  Headers and such are
defined in astr.h for your #including pleasure.  Implementation is in
astr.c.  The pragma file is of historical interest, being some mumblings
from my brain taken during contemplation of the challenges facing an
ideal string library.  Do I give the user a pointer or a structure to
hold?  Having to type ampersands everytime you reference a string is
ugly.  Being as efficient as possible is of value.  Does one give in to
the wiles of C++, in which constructors, destructors, and the like get
called at the proper time without the application programmer having to be
as careful?  Although the answer to the last question is "no", the
answers to the others are still under contemplation.  I may yet come up
with something entirely different, but that doesn't detract from whatever
value of usefulness the present code may find with the reader.


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